Why Professional Restaurant Photography can make Business Explode
Delicious food looks as good as it tastes. Even if it isn’t pretty, we are programmed to salivate over food that we know as succulent, fresh, rich, sweet, fruity, savory, and etc. There are a lot of visual cues that can go missing in poorly captured food photographs. Maybe the lighting is bad or maybe the saturation is so bad that all the little details, spices, and textures are lost.
Hiring a professional restaurant photographer is an investment that you will see returns on practically overnight. Your pictures will activate the customer’s most primal urge to eat beautiful and delectable dishes. Here’s how restaurants stand to benefit:
More than just a Menu Item
Good food photography is an advertisement that speaks for itself. A great dish can go viral from a Facebook post, printed flyers, ads, outside signage, and even apparel. Just think about it: good food is attractive, so don’t sell yourself short with mediocre pictures.
Restaurant Photographer Changes Attitudes
Even if your restaurant isn’t fancy or is a little rough around the edges, great food that looks fresh, authentic, and delicious can make everything else irrelevant. There are countless successful businesses around the country that operate out of very small, old buildings, but bring it wealthy celebrities and businessmen because the food tastes good and looks good.
Restaurant Photographer know Tasty Food
Remember, you’re not just hiring a standard photographer who takes pictures. A restaurant photographer is a foodie, someone who knows the value of plating and presentation. Don’t let your ego prevent you from getting the best edge in the food and hospitality industry.
Higher Conversions
Many people don’t like to change their routines for places they like to eat. It often takes them a lot to pick a new restaurant out of the local listings, but one thing is for certain: if your food looks more expensive than it is, you’re getting that customer. Make sure your menu layout is strong, so that people can quickly point to your photos and get exactly what they see. Your photographer should clearly depict the portion size and ingredients. That’s how you convert happy customers.
Gain the Edge Online
Big, beautiful pictures of your dishes will allow you more opportunities to advertise your restaurant. Any standard restaurant with small, limited selection of their dishes will mainly have to depend on Yelp and Google searches for SEO, but with professional restaurant photography, you can submit to blogs, entice on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr, and much more.
Showcase your restaurant with a professional photographer that has the equipment, the lighting know-how, and the ability to present your dishes in the best possible frame.
If you’re a restaurant owner in Dublin or Ireland and you’re looking to update your menu with quality food photography shots, or need to build your photo bank and simply need a restaurant photographer to come in on-site and deliver quality images: contact us today for a free photography quote !