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My story as photographer in Dublin
I always had a passion for photography in any type and form, as a kid I regularly attended model castings. After few years I’ve signed contract with model agencies and started to earn money from photo shoots. Once working in Blue – model agency from Warsaw as a Booker, I have developed this strong passion for getting on the other side of the lenses. I had privilege to assist many great photographers before I got myself first canon camera and started to experiment with styles and approaches .
After moving to Ireland I’ve decided to take things to the next level and started my adventure with photography in Dublin.
It’s a commonly hold belief that to become a pro you have to spend a certain amount of hours to master the craft and in my case it also came true. There are no shortcuts in photography to become professional photographer, while it important to remember motivation and determination is the key.
5 years ago somebody told me that I should not take up photography as I would never manage to make a living from it. Back then if I believed him I would probably now be working only in 9 to 5 type of job.
As a person with extensive IT background I continue to work with digital projects, nonetheless there is nothing I can compare with this huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction derived from work when viewing great quality photos batches from my memory card.
Marcel is a creative and open minded photographer who is always looking for more ideas and solutions to capture stunning photos. His easy going attitude at events helps photographed people be more natural and relaxed.
José Santos, twenty one years old, born in Lisbon, Portugal, but raised in the small village of Bombarral, freelance photographer, videographer and a filmmaker.He wrote, directed, shot, produced and done post-production, obtaining a picture of what's this all about.
Hire photographers in Dublin
+353 (0) 85 167 18 09e: info [ at ] eventphotographer17.com
a: 11A Cleggan road, Dublin 10, Ireland